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Favorite Quotes on the Way to Nirvana

Автор Blacklight, 29 ноября 2003, 03:21:55

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и да, да, да... я недоучившийся школьник...

смешно? :)

я рад за тебя...


Glad there's night...
Glad it's here now...

Limbonic Art
Eve of Midnight

I'm launching into
The abysmaluniverse
Disembodied I enter
The cosmic cataclysm

I discover stairways
To celestial dreamscapes
A dark unknown conjunction within in immoral dimension

Locus reconditus occulta tenebrarum

As all the worlds collide
And the heavenly sky divide
I live only to see the
Last star descend
From above as the
Mortal journey end
The genesis of the
Dynasty of death

Through dark tunnels
In levitation
Black cosmic space
In manifestation
I escape the earthly pandemonium
Into a vast nocturnal sanctum
A nemesis for all evil I confess
My soul bleeds by all the forces I possess
A benediction of unholy
Wrath and sorrow
My heart is buried in dark
Catacombs of horror

Sucked into that hole
That deep black hole
Not for a thousand years
Will I manage to crawl
Out of this darkness
All the vibes are insane
In the wilderness of pain

Dungeon darkness
In violent fire
Transfix the soul
With hell's desire
Where myriad's of lives
Are laid in ruins
Dormant in the ashes of
All terrestrial dreams

The dynasty of death

In the dark caves of oblivion
Bad blood rises from
The Mega Therion
From vast stalactite halls
So undivine
Through the misty
Corridors of time
As one live one shall die

Ad noctum


ДДЦ 24.5. Кто нападает, не достигает успеха.
— Лао Цзы


ДДЦ 8.2.2. В отношениях с людьми он должен быть дружелюбным.
— Лао Цзы



Blood is dripping as mind's tripping.
In twilight sleep death is reaping.
Blood stained, feels cold
In solitude as night grows old.
Death salvation, life capitulation,
Blood stained, feels cold, in the frozen soul.

Desire death and you'll sink into silence.
A terminal breath into darkened conscience
You still exist in the void of the head.
As everything else around you is dead.

Time of departure
From the depths of despair
I seek no paradise, though the end draws near.
It is an endless overture of my own reconstructions
I seek no paradise, just desire the salvation

Blood is dripping as mind's tripping.
In twilight sleep death is reaping.
Blood stained, feels cold
In solitude as night grows old.
Death salvation, life capitulation,
Blood stained, feels cold, in the frozen soul.

Life is a mandatory sacrifice, for the eternal dream of paradise
Make the time stand still, as silence is the last will.


As the full moon rises
The swan sings
In sleep
On the lake of the mind



Не делай того, что уже сделано.


In the shadows of the world's ambitions
I see life and death, in an enormous collision
Light destroys, what dark creates

Forever floating, the dark rivers of the heart.
Lifeless drifting, in an orbital decay.
A vicious circle of extinction
The soul reaches the state oblivion

In blackness of sorrow, the sin is immortal.
The diamond of the heart, is pure nocturnal.

In the deep pitch black halls of darkness.
The cruel high-council of evil, demands self destruction.
All the aspects of love, must be undone.
Only then one can feel, the emptiness,
As the cold heart reaches beyond.

Tyrant in soul and flesh, pain is the unholy mistress.
Rites in earthly death, for darkness you confess.
Follow the voices of the night, in endless sleep you'll hide from light.

Dark was the day you were born, even darker on that eve you were torn.
(From life)
Die in martyrium, for darkness endless mysterium.
Die in silent spasms of screaming.
Life is infected by no meaning.
(C) Limbonic Art


Паспорт - одно из средств для наблюдения за подозрительными лицами в видах
охраны общественной безопасности -- Словарь Брокгауза и Эфрона

... падение с поезда оказалось относительно удачным. Череп выдержал удар, но прежняя жизнь дала трещину. Ощупав себя (все кости целы?), слегка прихрамывая, он двинулся в северном направлении. Ни денег, ни документов и состояние аховое. Хорошо, что живым выбрался. Спасибо "новым добрым людям". Он остро чувствовал всю бессмысленность своей обычной жизни. Игра "кто первый", весь социальный азарт потеряли смысл. Он видел себя ослом, бегущим за морковкой. Морковки менялись, принимая форму удовольствия, денег, власти или очередной "трагической любви", так или иначе, гибнущей под прессом скуки или разбивающейся о "непонимание тонкостей женской души", но ослом при этом он себя не переставал чувствовать.
(С) Метафизика и Контрабанда. Искусство Возвращения Королевы.


Два друга работали в саду.


Два друга мотыжили землю. Вдруг мотыга одного из них ударилась о что-то твердое. Он поднял кусок золота и отбросил его как простую черепицу. Они продолжали работать дальше.

Два друга сидели в саду на циновках и читали книги. Вдруг мимо проехала повозка знатного вельможи. Один из них поднялся и посмотрел ей в след. Тогда другой отодвинул свою циновку в сторону и сказал: "Вы мне больше не друг!

У них не было расхождения во взгляде на золото, на богатство. Он знают более высокие ценности. А вот что касается испытания славой и уважением в обществе - они оказались по разные стороны. Тот, кто отодвинул циновку, не стал дожидаться того года, дня и часа, когда его друг, не выдержав этого испытания, его предаст. Лучше разойтись сейчас.

Как если пища уже начала портиться, есть ее уже не хочется, а выбрасывать еще жалко. Подождем, когда окончательно испортится и не жалко будет выбрасывать? Это ли самая лучшая стратегия?

Вот почему не взгляд, не улыбка, не шутка, не слово не могут проходить бесследно. Можно сказать, что это черезмерно высокие требования друг к другу. А можно сказать, что велика радость соответствия этим высоким требованиям. Радость, даваемая не каждому.

Радость сильных чувств, рожденных чистыми красками.

И я рад за тебя читатель, если жизнь твоя подарила понимание этих чистых цветов. Если же нет - не твоя вина.

Вообще же эта книга много добрее, чем кажется на первый взгляд.

(С) В. Тарасов - Книга для героев...


Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached Bombay

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name
`cause what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name
`cause what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game

Pleased to meet you, pleased to meet you
guess my name, guess my name
Pleased to meet you, pleased to meet you
guess my name, guess my name

For Her Pleasure

erase the pictures from my mind
eliminate the presence of your kind
unloose the strings of instinct laws
just to fall into some other jaws

in pounding afternoon i rise
for the pleasure of dying twice
a wingcut anges in decline
breathe my air and i`ll be fine

put your teeth in me
carve your name in me
i don`t care if there is something
that i`m blind to see

invite yourself and feel free
to pick up splinter of debris
it`s in your sys.ex
subdues all that`s delusive

initially this lie i`d recoil
but again i crawl this dirty soil
of all possessions i did treasure
this one`s strictly for her pleasure


[Bonus track]

Lost my mind on a bungyjump on LSD
And in downtown Chicago demons haunted me
Almost drank myself to death in Malaysia
And in a Paris cafe one demon dressed like a geisha

And in Rochester my best friend started to fall
But a demon doctor gave him pills for it all
We were praying to God to forget and forgive
But a candyman spread stardust over Tel-Aviv

Sixshooter , sixshooter
Don't spend it all on me

And the scythemen demons were wearing black capes
Appearing everytime I tried to escape
They were eating raw meat from silver plates
And stomping their feet to the roaring V8

A demon sixshooter in a six-geared car
On the 38th floor in a rotating bar
With all hell's fire and a Vodka Martini
And a roulette hooker in a stolen Lamborghini

Don't spend it all on me

And the demon's fire burned a crooked spoon
In a plastic, fantastic oxygen cocoon
On a pharao trip as Egypt kings
Rotten, embalmed before the fat lady sings

And a red sun rose over a pay clinic
And I would eat more often than three times a week
The healing and soothing myrrh I'll apply
Fight the demons to hell until I fucking die

And the demon smiled as the circle spinned
And in my whisky sour the devil grinned
I was rolling another hundred dollar bill
And cleaning my nose for the ultimate thrill

Sixshooter , sixshooter
Don't spend it all on me

(C) Tiamat


Fields Of Ashes

Our life flourished amid a brown Mother Earth
Broke through the rocks, broke through straight towards the sun

Stygian light winks through the clouds
Retched into this heart of mine
Shines onto my life from nothingness
And I ravished the rays of sunshine
Unfinished we participate in the run of life, our inner strife
Hidden inside us the need to end, to end our pain

One with nature, spoilt, without a zest for life
Sparkling bodies embraced by ebony nights

"Sometimes all our words are inadequate for the burden of our hearts"

Once ashes we will be and still the hunger for a new life
Or a soon coming death
And the dust we will crumble to will be the companion
Of the four winds wailing over our souls

The ashes still the hunger of a new coming death
The dust is the companion of the four winds from our hearts
(C) EverEve


One touch of your hand can open the heavens
abducts me to long forgotten meadows of desire
Strange, I never believed that one glance of eyes
Would be able to touch me inside like yours did
I always thought that something was buried
Long time ago, deep inside...

One touch...

...And there never was a greater pleasure
Than to stay awake for hour and hold you tight
To feel your silent breath upon my hand
As I push your hair from your face
And I dare not to wake you
For this would make me, too...
(C) EverEve


state of grace

you know it makes no difference
whether we talk or not
and it`s much harder going in there sometimes
and jumping down from the top.
but if you talk to me,
i will listen to you
with my eyes, my ears, my heart
till we both reach a state of grace
i will pull you out of the model secrets
till we both trust the coast is clear
information goes to yourself
this information breeding danger
breeding danger

you know it makes no difference
if you remember times that i forgot
sometimes we meet nostalgia
but there`s a need for not
taking consciousness for granted
i need to hear your good self
so don`t expect me to give into it
i don`t want to go back down
my senses worth not one
till we both reach a state of grace
i will pull you out of the model secrets
till we both trust the coast is clear
information gets to yourself
this information breeding danger
breeding danger


Always learn from history
To be sure you make the same mistakes again
Dig with bare hands or a silver spoon
But never change the masterplan


Wings Of Heaven

I'll be your master and I'll be your slave
Until the day that you will dance avidly on my grave
Seems like a lifetime we've been living this lie
But I can't help keep lying when you undress before my eyes

The wings of heaven are descending
The touch of her naked skin's amending
The skies will collide
Only for a little while
And it will take us trough the night

Thank you my angel like belly dancing concubine
Like Cleopatra you're sleeping safe in a royal shrine
Thank you for the blood and tears and for the table dance
Wholeheartedly I thank you dear for our short romance



The loosers are the winners
The saints are the sinners
The angels in heaven
Keep falling, keep falling

God is no forgiver
He demands and you deliver
The demons in hell
Keep calling, keep calling

Trough the night shall all wash away
All the horrors of the day
And a little angel on my side
Tries to make it all worthwhile
And with a little beauty in my bed
I still wish that I was dead
And the little angel on my side
Takes me on a devil ride

No rose without a thorn
Dead before you're born
A world full of nothing
So keep praying, keep praying

That what lies ahead of us
In the eye of Horus
A new sacred aeon
We'll be obeying, obeying

(C) TiamaT



Однажды на корабль грамматик сел ученый,
И кормчего спросил сей муж самовлюбленный:

"Читал ты синтаксис?" - "Нет",- кормчий отвечал.
"Полжизни жил ты зря!"-ученый муж сказал.

Обижен тяжело был кормчий тот достойный,
Но только промолчал и вид хранил спокойный.

Тут ветер налетел, как горы, волны взрыл,
И кормчий бледного грамматика спросил:

"Учился плавать ты?" Тот в трепете великом
Сказал: "Нет, о мудрец совета, добрый ликом".

"Увы, ученый муж!- промолвил мореход.-
Ты зря потратил жизнь: корабль ко дну идет".



Из Индии недавно приведен,
В сарае тесном был поставлен слон,

Но тот, кто деньги сторожу платил,
В загон к слону в потемках заходил.

А в темноте, не видя ничего,
Руками люди шарили его.

Слонов здесь не бывало до сих пор.
И вот пошел средь любопытных спор.

Один, коснувшись хобота рукой:
"Слон сходен с водосточною трубой!"

Другой, пощупав ухо, молвил: "Врешь,
На опахало этот зверь похож!"

Потрогал третий ногу у слона,
Сказал: "Он вроде толстого бревна".

Четвертый, спину гладя: "Спор пустой
Бревно, труба... он просто схож с тахтой".

Все представляли это существо
По-разному, не видевши его.

Их мненья - несуразны, неверны -
Неведением были рождены.

А были б с ними свечи-при свечах
И разногласья не было б в речах.



Вот как непонимание порой
Способно дружбу подменить враждой,

Как может злобу породить в сердцах
Одно и то ж на разных языках.

Шли вместе турок, перс, араб и грек.
И вот какой-то добрый человек

Приятелям монету подарил
И тем раздор меж ними заварил.

Вот перс тогда другим сказал: "Пойдем
На рынок и ангур приобретем!"

"Врешь, плут,- в сердцах прервал его араб,-
Я не хочу ангур!Хочу эйнаб!"

А турок перебил их: "Что за шум,
Друзья мои? Не лучше ли узюм?"

"Что вы за люди:! -грек воскликнул им.-
Стафиль давайте купим и съедим!"

И так они в решении сошлись,
Но, не поняв друг друга, подрались.

Не знали, называя виноград,
Что об одном и том же говорят.

Невежество в них злобу разожгло,
Ущерб зубам и ребрам нанесло.

О, если б стоязычный с ними был,
Он их одним бы словом помирил.

"На ваши деньги,-он сказал бы им,-
Куплю, что нужно всем вам четверым,

Монету вашу я учетверю
И снова мир меж вами водворю!

Учетверю, хоть и не разделю,
Желаемое полностью куплю!

Слова несведущих несут войну,
Мои ж - единство, мир и тишину".


A New Way to Say Hooray'
So! You take let us assume a third toke; long and slow. You vaporise and you take it in and in and in... and there is a sound like the crumpling of a plastic bread wrapper or the crackling of flame and a tone. A mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and there is this.......
There is a cheer. The gnomes have learned a new way to say hooray.
The walls, such they be, are crawling with geometric hallucinations.
Very brightly coloured, very irridescent. Deep sheens and very highly reflective surfaces everything is machine-like and polished and throbbing with energy but that is not what immediately arrests my attention.
What arrests my attention is the fact that this space is inhabited.
And so like jewelled self dribbling basketballs these things come running forward and what they are doing with this visible language that they create is they are making gifts! They are making gifts for you and they will say ...'

My Head Feels Like a Frisbee'My head feels like a frisbee; twice its normal size.
Feels like a football and someone's moved the goal posts.
Everything is slightly out of joint and weird; disconnected.
I had to hold onto the walls.'
'And we noticed that women, especially the hippy ladies,
started reacting differently. With your permission their nipples get hard;
they start dancing in a whole other kind of way. Catching butterflies in the air. People get goosepimples. They laugh, they cry at the same time. They get horny and holy at the same time- you see them.'
'This one brought me down to my knees. I had to hold onto the wall. My knees shaking, quivering. My head feels like a frisbee.'

Behind closed eyelids.
In very many cases, the visionary quality, the quality of the vision so to say, spills over, into the external world, so that the experiencer, when he opens his eyes, sees the outer world transfigured...'

Star Shpongled Banner'
Well, y'know, it's like this experience that I had was like, y'know, erm, it was kind of the most profound experience
I've had in me life, like.'
'I am a shaman, magician
The sun is purple
3D dimensions
I am for mental extensions.'
'You know the mind has a thousand eyes'
'Oohh, Que Terror'

(C) Shpongle

Where is Shpongleland?

A internal linkMulti-verse not very far away, where queues and noise don't
exist, neither pain nor fear, scary faces or bad smells... just peace &
pieces, and perfect weather.  Sucking the big toe of humanity, your
armchair turns into an aural spacecraft, catapulting you thru the veils
of internal linkreality and consciouesness into a internal linkpsychedelic
adult theme park. internal linkSonar ballistickle internal linksoma-sucking
cyber internal linksorcerers, floating weightlessly on the threshold of
bliss, creating psycho-geometric atomic telepathic shimmering incandescant
internal linkdream dilations.

This hybrid exotic internal linkserotonin-drenched electroplasmic dripping brain forest moves with endless internal linkhallucinogenic changing patterns while, un-noticed, a million angels internal linkdance on a pinhead. Fun-internal linkshui, phremological escapology; The Divine Moment Of Truth... the inevitability of the unexpected - the internal linkvortex of the cortex. Knowing what we don't know, while sampling the cosmos; from the darkness to the internal linklight; from the unreal to the real... from death to internal linkimmortality...


'There is substitute for the agony of war, the self inflicted agony we call the Cassandra complex, Cassandra, as great legends recall was contempt to know the future, but to be disbelieved when she told it, hence the agony for knowledge combined with .... to do anything about it.'
Из фильма 12 Monkeys

'The light that burns twice as bright burns out twice as fast, and yours has burned so very, very brightly.'
Blade Runner

'It slips out of your control - or what you think is your control.'
Из фильма 'Conversations With Mad Women'

'You don't know the power of the dark side.'
Star Wars

''These pictures were taken over a period of 8 hours, normal healthy kidney cells before they meet the virus. In the space of an hour a single virus has invaded, multiplied, and killed the cells, in just over two hours, its offspring have invaded nearby cells here and here, continually multiplying.... Jesus christ, five hours, it infects the cell, replicates and kills this fast, these numbers cant be right, Ebola takes days to do this damage. Sirs, the number are correct, I wish to god they weren't. One goes in, millions come out, every cell is dead. Now we see them individually, searching for the next victim.till there's nothing left to kill.'
Из фильма Outbreak

'Im simply trying to gather information, to help the people in the present trace the path of the virus'
Из фильма 12 Monkeys

'The tree shall be thorn in half, the bird shall be severd from the sky, the water shall turn red as death, the maggot shall seek the light, then within the heart of each, lies an icon of our destruction'
'Save your prayers, God is not here with us now, there is only the darkness here, and your death'
из фильма Warlock 2

'And there was darkness and then came the stranges, they was from place old as time itself. They have mastered the ultimate ...the ability to alter physical reality using the Will alone. We call this ability 'tuning'.
Из фильма 'Dark City'
