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Who wrote the Gita?

Автор Stankov, 10 сентября 2003, 16:04:40

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I met an Indian friend, we had a conversation on Indian culture and he told me to ask my teacher the following koan :-) :

Krishna and Arjuna were talking on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. They were alone. Then who has written this conversation down and given us the opportunity to learn from this interesting conversation?

What do you think?


I suppose, it is Sanjaya who told us that miraculous story. Obviously, he was there, along with Dhrtarastra and many thousands of ksatrias and wariors. Arjuna and Krsna were not alone on the Kuruksetra. :)


My Indian friend said it wasn't a miraculous story at all. Everithing in it is true. Do you think something else.

I know the story. Of course they were not alone on kurukshetra. They were alone, conversating. You think somebody heard what they are talking? Sanjaya? And then: Sanjaya uvacha? I don't know. Who shall I ask?


Of course, everybody heard them and sow them.

Tam uvaca hRSIkeSaH prahasanniva bhArata |
senayor ubhayor madhye viSIdantam idaM vacaH ||10||


OK, now I don't think all of us know sanskrit (I don't) so would you please be so kind?

If what you say is true, this means that it isn't a guru-pupil situation. Then why aren't there answers from other gurus present and questions from other pupils? Nah, I don't think they were in front of an audience. At least it doesen't make sense to me.


They were in front of two big armies (senayor ubhayor madhye, in between both armies), so they had a great audience! Considering the supreme-god-character (mahesvaratva) of KRSNa one should not suspect Him of having a feeble voice, not capable of reaching all those men ready to fight. BTW, getting ready to fight is one of the basic meanings of meditation (samadhi). In actual fact, all those men out there were all meditating and ready to grasp any word coming from the Preceptor, and I am sure, Sanjaya was not the only one who got the words of God.


Being in the middle of the battle field does not necessarily mean that they were being listened by the armies.

As far as I know kshatrias are fighters, so it is natural for them to be getting ready to fight before a fight. But meditation? Oh - here I can't state anything. Brahmans meditate. Kshatris only fight. Maybe this was the whole idea of the Gita - if you are a kshatrii - fight! Why meditate?


The pending battle on Kuruksetra is only a metaphor. The real battle is in your heart. Fight the kleshas and subdue your own Ego to liberate your Proper Self, the Atman within your heart. There are two big armies getting ready to fight in your heart. The Army of Rajas and the Army of Tamas. And You are the Ksetra-Jna.


Yes, that is the idea, but there is a story too. A real story. Who wrote it down? Doesn't really matter.


I think, there were many writers of this story, most of them living in the Middle Age. The story is philosophically too perfect and representative of many later darsanas, to be a product of some battle-contemporary genius. And there is no doubt that the most perfect commentary on BG is the Bhasya of Sankara Acarya. You are lucky to have the Bhasya translated into Bulgarian.

PS. You have to ask Dr. Bratoeva.


Yes your logic is 100% accurate but again you don't accept as an axiom that this is a real story recorded by someone. It is very simple. And funny.

I think we should invite Dr. Bratoeva and all other lecturers of Sofia University to give their opinion.

Or we should just accept that this Indian friend of mine is nuts.


Of course, this is not a real story. We are lacking any scientific means to prove its historicity. First of all, during the times described Krsna was not given whatsoever importance as deva, not to speak of Isvara or Mahesvara. At least this can be proved scientifically. Krsna as supreme God is a much later religious invention.

I don't want to hurt the feelings of our Vaisnavas.


А насколько раельна история, что дату этой битвы вычислили по "соединению" Юпитера и Сатурна? Такое слияние даёт очень яркую звезду. (Прямо как при рождении младенца).
нет религии выше истины


Пусть ddd ответит, если ему удобно. Он у нас специалист по астрологии.


Цитата: "Plamen"Of course, this is not a real story. We are lacking any scientific means to prove its historicity. First of all, during the times described Krsna was not given whatsoever importance as deva, not to speak of Isvara or Mahesvara. At least this can be proved scientifically. Krsna as supreme God is a much later religious invention.

I don't want to hurt the feelings of our Vaisnavas.

Nobody is saying Krishna is Deva, Isvara or Maheshva. He was a person speaking with another person. Of course it can't be proven. What can?

Maybe we should start another topic. :lol:


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Фраувалнер, Антология на буд. философия - 5 лв.
Гита + Шанкара, Божествената Йога - 5 лв.
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