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Two Skins under One Theme

Автор Пламен, 26 сентября 2003, 08:01:48

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0 Пользователи и 2 гостей просматривают эту тему.


There are several ways to use an external theme with the desired site style. Suppose,

A. You have only one theme in both site and forums.

1. Take a less then 6.5 theme and just upload it under modules/Forums/templates/DifTheme

2. Delete the forum dir in /themes/YourTheme/

To do the things lege artis, in all DifTheme files find all instances of DifTheme and change them to YourTheme. Then rename the files containing DifTheme to contain in their file name TourTheme. Rename modules/Forums/templates/DifTheme to modules/Forums/templates/YourTheme

Go to Admin Forums and import the style.

B. Take any 6.5 and higher DifTheme and replace YourTheme in the themes/forums

make sure that no file contains reference to DifTheme

The only unpleasant issue when you combine 6.5 with non-6.5 theme is that you should not try to change your theme from the Your_Accout. I have glabally disabled change_theme option and forwarded the user to their forum Profile.

* * *

If both themes are for 6.5 and higher,

go to themes/Electro/forums

Use your Windows Commander or whatever else to find all instances of Electro. Change them to "YourTheme" (except in the copyright places)

go to your FTP nuke root directory themes/YourTheme/

delete the /forums directory

upload the processed /forum directory from your comps /themes/Electro/forums

then open the theme_info.cfg
and see if all instances of the Electro have been changed (by you) to YourTheme
If yes like this
$YourTheme[0]['template_name'] = "YourTheme";
$YourTheme[0]['style_name'] = "YourTheme";
$YourTheme[0]['head_stylesheet'] = "YourTheme.css";
$YourTheme[0]['body_background'] = "";
$YourTheme[0]['body_bgcolor'] = "E5E5E5";

upload the theme_info.cfg to

Copy also the /admin/ directory to

go to admin panel and export the new style

Of course, you should have some working style to do that. Then you can make your Style default and delete the old one, but not before you have testified that the new style works as your admin style.

I did this trick in March and may have forgotten some of the steps. I will be back on September 30, but occasionally may visit the site.