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Aryan Invasion Theory - Pro & Contra

Автор Пламен, 08 апреля 2003, 23:23:31

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Pandit Ved Acharya "Refutes" AIT
and sums up the OIT (Out of India Theory)

The works of Pandit N.S.Rajaram, Pandit Kalyanaraman and of hippies like David Frawley and Koenraad Elst have flooded the internet, attempting to prove that the Aryans are somehow indigenous to India, and that it is the Sudroids (шудроиды) who invaded, destroying the Indus Valley Civilization. However, their books are very thick and not very easy for the layman to understand. So, in steps Pandit Ved Acharya, who, having joined their ranks, has taken it upon himself to sum up their theories for the common man.

Against Aryan Invasions

The fallacious concept of Aryan Invasions is now wholly discarded by the most sacred acharyas and sannyasis. These august persons have declared that the Aryan invasion was a theory proposed by the crafty British who wished to divide and rule. We have amassed a wealth of evidence in their favour:

1. HORSE BONES - The horse bones found in the Indus cities were wrongly claimed to belong to Aryan invaders. Instead they could equally well have been due to large scale ashvamedhas (horse-sacrifices) by the pious Vedic Aryans. Charred horse bones substantiate this view.

2. FRACTURED SKULLS - The fractured skulls that the biased Europeans said were those of Dravidians slaughtered by invading Aryans were in fact the bones of pious volunteers sacrificed during purushamedhas (Vedic human sacrifices).

3. THICK ASH LAYERS - The mischievious Europeans proposed that the thick ash layers found in the Indus cities were due to Aryans burning down the Dravidian Indus cities. In fact these could have well been the ashes of the pious Vedic Aryan ladies performing sati and jauhar. Some fragments of charred bones substantiate this fact, and many bangles have been found in the IVC.

4. FALL OF THE INDUS - The Europeans have always claimed that the Indus Valley civilization was destroyed by the nomad Ayrans. In fact, it was destroyed by the Dravidians who invaded from the sea, and the Muslims, who invaded from the north. Europeans have always tried to portray Islam as a young religion, when in fact Abraham and all the Jews and Christians were in fact Muslim. So Muslims existed in the centuries BC, and the concept of Muslims having destroyed the Indus is confirmed by the numerous temples (like the Rama mandir at Ayodhya ) being destroyed by Muslims. References to Yavana invasions in the sacred Poorans also confirm this fact.

5. SUDROID RACE - The Imperialist scholars tried to propagate the notion of the Sudroid race to divide the Hindus. These were supposed to be the black aboriginals enslaved by the Aryans. This is all falsehood, as will be shown point-by point below:

The sage Vivekanada has declared that this theory is false. So how can it be right?

Some Dravida chauvinists claim that Dravidian is older than Sanskrit. These are deluded, since these languages have no independant history; they are merely degraded forms of Sanskrit. The recent `purification' of Tamil by the removal of Sanskrit words is merely delusion spread by the Europeans. Both shall be reborn as cockroaches in their next life.
Moreover, the sacred Poorans declare that the Dravidians are degraded Kshatriyas, and so they are the Aryans. The Sudras were created from the foot of Brahma. Since this could have happened when Brahma stood in a puddle of mud, the Sudras became black.

Unfortunately the Europeans do not accept the Vedas as anthropological texts, and so the holy Panditas have given anthropological revelations to convince the European mlecchas (barbarians).

Thus, the Sudras stayed in the sun, and so got black skin. They took to eating pan leaf, so they developed thick lips. They were employed as hunters, and so they had to develop broad noses to smell better. Thus the concept of a Sudra race is wrong.

- Another concept propagated by the African nationalists is the concept of the Sudras being Negroes, who built up the Indus Valley civilization. These Sudric Negroes were then enslaved by the white Aryans, just as Bantu Negroes were enslaved by the Anglo-Saxons. They do not realize that they are all Indian, and are hence all Aryans. The Sudras became the Sudanese, and the Gonds became the Kongos (whence Congo river). Thus the Negroes are all Indian, just as the Anglo-Saxons are.
As shown above the Sudroids degraded from Aryans, and these Sudroids then invaded Africa, giving rise to the Negroes. This is proven by the fact that the genetic differences between Aryan and non-Aryan are very small.

- The theory of evolution of man from monkeys as proposed by Darwin is completely false. The acharyas have declared that the notion of holy Brahmanas being descended from monkeys was merely proposed to cast a slur on the Brahmans and to insult Hinduism. When the sacred revealed scriptures of Vedas and Mahabharat declare that the Brahmanas were created from the head of Brahma, how can anything else be true? But Darwin's false theory was jumped upon by the European scholars to prove their Aryan invasion theory.

- The African nationalists have propagated the false notion of all humans having come out of Africa. This was seized upon by the propagators of the Aryan invasion theory, who claimed that since the Aryans evolved from Negroes of Africa, they could not have originated in India, and must have invaded from Africa. This sinister conspiracy has now gained wide acceptance by anthropologists.

Another fiction spread by the Christian scholars is that the Vedas date to 1500 BC. This was because they could not comprehend any date before 3000 BC, when the Bible says the world was created by God in 7 days. So when they read of dates and eras millions of years old, they dismissed it as nonsense. But now it is accepted that the world existed before 3000 BC. In fact, the Vedas are millions of years old, having been in existence from the time of creation of the world itself in the yugas.

Another lie propagated by the Europeans is that the Germans were the purest Aryans. This is evidently not so, since they speak a highly degraded form of Sanskrit and not the original pure devabhasha. Moreover the Aryans in India have black hair, which due to snow falling on it became bleached in the north. So they are not the original Aryans.

Another myth propagated by the Europeans is that Shiva was a Dravidian god. They cite the occurrence of obscene sculptures in the walls of temples as evidence that Shiva and many other ascpects of Hinduism were of Dravidian origin. This has been shown to be false, and the sculptures were made for the entertainment of the European visitors; hippies who came to India in 100 BC. They are obviously not for the Aryans, who would never tolerated such things in their sacred shrines. The discovery of some nude mother-goddess figurines is also cited as evidence that the Indus people were the aboriginals. In fact these were imported by the European hippies, who brought their obscene sculptures to India. These hippies were the Greeks, who brought their obscene Priapus cult (whence the phallic nature of Shiva worship) and other vulgarities that corrupted the Aryans. As evidence such sculptures are only found after the Greeks invasded India, introducing decadent Western culture and proto-AIDS (ancient venereal diseases) that killed the Aryas.

The Europeans have indulged in hero-worship of the Greeks (Homer etc.) and Latin poets. They have also eulogized Shakespeare as `the greatest writer of all times'. These are all bogus claims, since it has been shown that these works were in fact renditions of original Sanskrit texts. All these langauges, Greek, Latin and English, are merely degraded forms of Sanskrit. Also, their literature is almost wholly copies of Sanskrit originals. Tnus, Aesop copied the Ocean of Story, Shakespeare copied the Pancatantra etc. The Trojan War is only a local re-enactment of the Mahabharat War. So these are merely the degraded Aryas. When the holy SIndhu river dried up in 1500 BC, they migrated to different parts of the world, preserving only faint memories of their origins.

So it is evident that the Arya invasion theory is wrong.


*  *  *
Readers are advised to make up their own minds as to the veracity of the OIT


Следует иметь в виду, что это публикация может оказаться попросту провокацией, чтобы дискредитировать OIT (теории автохтонного развития, ТАР). Но нельзя не согласиться, что между двумя теориями прослеживается резкая идеологическая контроверзия. ТАН (теория арийского нашествия) исповедуется как правило воспитанными в духе марксистского детерминизма (исторического материализма) историками и интеллектуалами Индии, в то время как после прихода к власти Бхаратия Джаната Парти (Индийской народной партии, националистической), идеологическая парадигма в Академии наук Индии сразу переменилась, старых марксистски подкованных академиков погнали в шею и их место заняли новые, националистически настроенные историки. Первым делом они занялись созданием национальной доктрины. ТАР оказалась очень удобным средством промоции единого национального духа. Представьте только - великая ведическая культура является продуктом гения шудроидов; никаких белых колонизаторов (ариев) не было и в помине - это сами протошудры были настоящими ариями.

Так что доведенные до абсурда контраргументы не совсем провокация с целью выставить поборников ТАР шизоидами. Это вполне реальные и имеющее хождение в народе аргументы.

Что касается Эзопа, подобные утверждения, что Басни Эзопа не являются баснями Эзопа, я встречал у Идрис Шаха. Только он говорит, что источником басен - это суфийские мудрецы.


Редактирую небольшую желтую книжку и случайно подвернулась цитата (на болгарском) о нашествии ариев с Арктических морей, и что Меру находилась под Полярной звездой.

"Махабхарата" за Арктида

В древноиндийския епос "Махабхарата" е описана прародината на народите, чиито потомци ще влязат в историята под различни имена: етруски, руси, славяни, скити... Това било място, където се издигала "неизмеримо високата планина Меру, проточила се по цялата северна страна на света". Но планината Меру не бива да се бърка с още по-високата планина Сумеру, която в будиските космогонични химни е отъждествявана с Хималаите.
Богът на лъчезарното Слънце обикаля Меру околовръст, като не я напуска нито за час. Точно над планината се намира Дхрува - Полярната звезда. Около нея се движат седемте Риши - седемте звезди на Голямата Мечка. Денонощието в тази страна се дели на половин година: половин година е ден, половин година - нощ. "Нощем", когато в страната настъпвала зимата, "пленените", стичащи се надолу води замръзвали в "красиви форми"...

От върха на планината се разкривал прекрасен изглед към Млечно (Бяло) море, в северната част на което се намирал големият остров Швета-двипа, което означава "Бял остров". На него живеят "благоуханни смели мъже, отдалечили се от всяко зло... дивни на вид, преизпълнени с жизнени сили. Костите им са здрави като елмаз."

Това било "страната, в която се вкусва "блаженството". Тя била покрита с гори, богата със стада антилопи и ята от птици. Много хора искали да попаднат в тази приказна страна, но всичките им опити били неуспешни заради трудния път до там. Само гигантската птица Гаруда можела да долети до там и само героите и мъдреците били удостоявани с честта покачени на крилете й да стигнат до северните краища.

Птицата Гаруда обикновено била изобразявана с човешка глава, тоест това не било птица в обикновения смисъл. Всичките й разумни действие по-скоро подсказват, че Гаруда е можело да бъде летателен апарат, управляван от хора."


How can you foreigners remove the Aryan past of India when it is known without doubt that this race came from India. All people in most parts of India are pure Aryans. Also Latin (Greek is also close but not as close) has its roots along with most Indo-European languages from Sanskrit. Due you feel by pushing fake data into the internet you can create a mess and eventually remove the origin of the Aryan Race which is India. You can not attack the Indian religious books awhich are on solid ground.


The Negro theory of the origin of man is a Western cospiracy to rape Africa and also to chop the roots of aryan civilization like Aryvarta (India).


Yes, I do really think that the fantasy stories told by Pandit Ved Acharya are just what they are - mere fantasy, or better, anti-science fictions, and could well be considered as a Western conspiracy to undermine the credibility of the Out-of-India theory.

Either this Ved Acharya is an imbecil, or the sources he is referring to are to be blamed for such historical "discoveries" as the invasion of the Muslims from the Nord in 12th century before Christ (see point 4).




Rgveda is a Vedic, rather than a Hindu book (Hindu book is the Manifesto of BJP). The word arya met in RV means kind, favourable, attached to, true, devoted, dear.

What is more interesting, arya means also 'master, lord', a Vaisya, while aryA is a woman of the third caste, the wife of a Vaisya.

Which clearly indicates that Vaisyas are the only caste that is truly Aryan. :-)


Уважаемый Пламен и другие участники форума,

извините за дилетантский вопрос:

гипотеза о том, арийцы пришли в Индию с территории современного Ирана, уже потеряла свою актуальность?

Спасибо заранее.


Во всяком случае для индийских историков она ее потеряла. Судя по божественным оппозициям, скорее было единое образование вне Индии и Ирана, и после глобального конфликта одни обосновались в Иране, а другие в Индии (где иранские боги "почитаются" демонами, асурами, и наоборот, индийские девы считаются в Иране демонами). Индийские историки считают, что "иранцы" откололись, восстали, "отребелились" от основного ствола в Индии.


Рекомендую также почитать моего уважаемого коллегу, проф. Ивана Павловича Сусова.



Спасибо за ссылку на интересную статью. Настораживает только один момент: то, что географическая прародина арийских племен - северное причерноморье, звучит здесь как нечто само собой разумеещееся. Жаль, что не принято в таких случаях давать хотя бы грубую вероятностную оценку гипотезы (или истинности того или иного утверждения, если хотите), потому что кажется, что слишком уж большую роль играют вкусовые предпочтения того или иного автора. О вкусах, безусловно, спорят, но как-то иначе.

Что касается господина Ved Acharya, было бы любопытно понаблюдать за его дискуссией, например, с неким г-ном Фоменко. Это сравнение еще раз подверждает мысль Довлатова, что между коммунистом и антикоммунистом, в сущности - никакой разницы нет.


А мне любопытно узнать, что думает по этому вопросу академик Бонгард-Левин.  :)


По-моему, я уже что-то такое читала - рассказ В.Шукшина "Срезал!"

Кстати, выбор слова - Invasion или Migration - имеет значение?


Вполне может быть, что к нашему случаю подходит и совершенно неожиданное слово Escape.


Цитата: "lenka"По-моему, я уже что-то такое читала - рассказ В.Шукшина "Срезал!"
У него же есть еще замечательный рассказ "Танцующий Шива" - повергший меня в полнейшее недоумение  :wink:

извините, что отвлекаюсь от темы.


Is there any chance to read that novel here, at Oriental Gate?



Who cares for foreign interpretation of the Aryan word not Indians. The Aryan Race had its origins in India and most Indians are the purest Aryans.


Цитата: "Raj Despande"most Indians are the purest Aryans.

So what?
I'm not Aryan, and it makes me neither happy nor unhappy...