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Forum Titles Directory in Browser Bar

Автор Пламен, 23 сентября 2003, 11:50:35

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0 Пользователи и 2 гостей просматривают эту тему.


Since the Forum Category is also added to the hack, see the next post.

Copy the file bellow, save it as nukebb.php and upload in your main forum directory.

Any addons and fixes are welcome.


Added Forum Category

in modules/Forums/nukebb.php

 * Full Forum Titles
 * FFT 1.0 &#40;c&#41; Imago &#40;http&#58;//www.orientalia.org&#41; 
 * Idea - &#40;c&#41; Curt &#40;http&#58;//eminem.km.ru&#41;
 * phpbb2 forums port version 2.1 &#40;c&#41; 2003 - Nuke Cops &#40;http&#58;//nukecops.com&#41;
 * Ported by Paul Laudanski &#40;Zhen-Xjell&#41; to phpbb2 standalone 2.0.4.  Test
 * and debugging completed by the Elite Nukers at Nuke Cops&#58; ArtificialIntel,
 * Chatserv, MikeM, sixonetonoffun, Zhen-Xjell.  Thanks to some heavy debug
 * work by AI in Nuke 6.5.
 * This is version 2.1 of the phpbb2 forum port for PHP-Nuke.  Work is based
 * on Tom Nitzschner's forum port version 2.0.6.  Tom's 2.0.6 port was based
 * on the phpbb2 standalone version 2.0.3.  Our version 2.1 from Nuke Cops is
 * now reflecting phpbb2 standalone 2.0.4 that fixes some major SQL 
 * injection exploits.

 *   Please post all questions about this hack
 *   on http&#58;//www.orientalia.org/fortopic442.html
 *   All original header code and copyright messages will be maintained
 *   to give credit where credit is due. If you modify this, the only requirement is
 *   that you also maintain all original copyright messages. All our work is released

if &#40;!eregi&#40;"modulesREM.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'&#93;&#41;&#41; &#123;
die &#40;"You can't access this file directly..."&#41;;
global $phpbb_root_path$nuke_root_path$nuke_file_path$php_root_dir$module_name $nukename$pass$nukename;
$module_name "Forums";
$nuke_root_path "gate.html?name=".$module_name;
$nuke_file_path "gate.html?name=".$module_name."&file=";
$phpbb_root_path "modules/".$module_name."/";
$phpbb_root_dir "./../";
$pagetitle "$name";

if&#40;$p&#41; &#123; 
  $sql "SELECT post_subject, post_id FROM ".$prefix."_bbposts_text WHERE post_id='$p'"
  $result $db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41;; 
  $row $db->sql_fetchrow&#40;$result&#41;; 
  $title $row[post_subject&#93;;
  $post $row[post_id&#93;;

  $pagetitle "$name | Post $post | $title";  

if&#40;$t&#41; &#123; 
  $sql "SELECT topic_title, forum_id FROM ".$prefix."_bbtopics WHERE topic_id='$t'"
  $result $db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41;; 
  $row $db->sql_fetchrow&#40;$result&#41;; 
  $toptitle $row[topic_title&#93;; 
  $forname $row[forum_id&#93;; 
  $sql "SELECT forum_name, cat_id FROM ".$prefix."_bbforums WHERE forum_id='$forname'"
  $result $db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41;; 
  $row $db->sql_fetchrow&#40;$result&#41;; 
  $forname $row[forum_name&#93;;
  $forcat $row[cat_id&#93;;

  $sql "SELECT cat_title FROM ".$prefix."_bbcategories WHERE cat_id='$forcat'"
  $result $db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41;; 
  $row $db->sql_fetchrow&#40;$result&#41;; 
  $forcat $row[cat_title&#93;; 
  $pagetitle "> $name > $forcat > $forname > $toptitle";

elseif&#40;$f&#41; &#123; 
  $sql "SELECT forum_name, cat_id FROM ".$prefix."_bbforums WHERE forum_id='$f'"
  $result $db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41;; 
  $row $db->sql_fetchrow&#40;$result&#41;; 
  $forname $row[forum_name&#93;;
  $forcat $row[cat_id&#93;; 

  $sql "SELECT cat_title FROM ".$prefix."_bbcategories WHERE cat_id='$forcat'"
  $result $db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41;; 
  $row $db->sql_fetchrow&#40;$result&#41;; 
  $forcat $row[cat_title&#93;;
  $pagetitle "> $name > $forcat > $forname";


Please, change modulsREM to modules in the first line of the script.


if (!eregi("gate.html", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
   die ("You can't access this file directly...");
говорит то что написано --> You can't access this file directly...

а при

if (!eregi("gate.html", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
   die ("You can't access this file directly...");

начинает работаь нормально

p.s. Установлен Гуглификатор.


Извините в последней цитате вместо gate.html читать modules.php



У вас форум слово модулес.пшп переписывает в гейт.хтмл - прикол


Oh, i see! :-)

gate.html in the script should be converted back to

m o d u l e s . p h p

Thank you.


it seems that I can only read 1/3 of what is on this forum, it is a shame why we had to add russian into a magnificent master works such us this, it takes the joy away from it!!! :(  That is it for now but I hope to see some more improvement in the future or I shall just keep my ass out of this site! sorry the impression  :cry:


ohhhhh and by the way...I really enjoyed the fact that you have build your home page like this so that the forum doesnt interfer with the gate and the rest of the master plan and all that delicatese :lol: !


Hi, muaguaguru!

Most of our members are interested in Enlightenment and Samadhi, rather than Php-Nuke. Of course, I don't say that Nuke is incapable of bringing someone into satori! :-)

Anyway, all information concerning Nuke and the Googlifier will be in English.

As for separating home page and the Forum, you can use the standard noleft blocks hack.


I have GT my forum, but the hack does not work when I am viewing a post:
It says:

Senegal Online > Forums > Post 5122 >#5122#5122#5122#5122

It works all the way to the forum gategory index, but not when you are viewing a post.


It is converting the text into universal code. Can you provide a link?


This should be normal

and this one with the title of yhe post

I suppose the problem with the loop of the post number is in the viewtopic.tpl

If you have another theme, give it a try.


I have 4 themes and it is the same on all of them.

My forums posts are linked the same way as yours for GT (ex: http://www.assadniang.com/postp301.html ), but for some reason it is putting the GT number there instead of the post name itself :roll:


NOTR COIN is both the post name and the topic name. Try posting a reply to it and enter a title for this reply.

The only fault I see so far is the loop of the appended post id.

Did you get the Title hack from this site?


You have to install also the automatic title reply hack from www.portedmods.com I think, just like here, when you click on the Reply button.


I have just installed the Auto Subject on reply mod. I did 2 tests post at http://www.assadniang.com/postp5131.html#5131 one using quick reply and one using the PostReply link at the bottom, but it still does not work when I am viewing a post I am still seeing those trailing numbers, you can go and check it out how it changed.

It only works when I hit the PostReply link a the bottom and I am presented wih the post window, then I can see the title on the title bar without those numbers.


Well, it only works when i am viewing the post from the forum, but not when i click a link in the forum block from the main page.

Thanks for your help!


Yes, the automatic title works only with PostReply.

Can you post here your nukebb.php ?