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Автор Пламен, 30 октября 2003, 06:32:16

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I am happy to announce the reincarnation of ORIENTALIA.ORG. This domain seemed to be property of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Brussel (Nassaukape, Kunstberg), used for online exposition of Oriental art collections. It was "dead" for some time... and free for registration. Eurasia Academic Publishers has always been looking for an ORIENTALIA domain, because ORIENTALIA is the traditional name for the academic studies in the field of Eastern Philosophy and Culture. Now, this domain is our property and, in the course of time, will replace the orientalia.org. When the site gets entirely indexed under the new domain, orientalia.org will be given new database and the status of general Oriental Web Portal, as the name Gate suggests.

I hope, by today, the DNS of http://www.orientalia.org will be propagated and the domain will be accessible from everywhere.


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