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Favorite Quotes on the Way to Nirvana

Автор Blacklight, 29 ноября 2003, 03:21:55

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"I remember the very very first time I smoked DMT."
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
"You take the blue pill."
"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dreamworld and the real world?"
Terence McKenna, The Matrix

"A thousand years ago, deep in the darkest jungles of the Amazon, the ancient Incas discovered a mystical vine. They brew up a sacred, psychoactive, hallucinogenic drink - the holy Ayahuasca"
"You enter a special, magical dimension. The dimension of the spirit world."
"The drink takes you on a journey of inner discovery. You enter a special, magical dimension. The dimension of the spirit world." (С) 1200 mics - Ayahuasca

'Man... I feel stoned. I feel stoned. I feel really stoned!'

'On the seventh day Shiva created hashish' (C) 1200 Mics "Hashish"

'LSD - possibly the most powerful and important psychoactive drug on the planet.'
'Mind-altering psychedelic trip.'
'It expands your conciousness, intensifies colors, thoughts and feelings.'
'Acid. The drug that has changed our world.' (C) 1200 Mics "LSD"

'This is a news flash folks, we interrupt this program to bring you this special announcement. A new psychoactive substance has been discovered. A very powerful psychoactive substance. The most powerful since the discovery of LSD.'
'A substance so powerful that 300 microgramms is the dose. That means 1 gramm will dose 1000 people.'
'Salvia - s.a.l.v.i.a and then Divinorum - d.i.v.i.n.o.r.u.m.- the diviner's mint.'
Terence McKenna

'I am the dreamer, you are the dream.'
'Beings from another world have been here on earth before.'

'I don't know such stuff. I just do eyes,just genetic design'
'If only you've seen what I've seen with your eyes...'
Blade runner

'No pain, no feelings, no sense of time. I strive for the magic. Unite with the people, wherever they are.'
'Is reality a dimension I've just invented? Circling my mind like a dark dream.'
'The last thing I remember is being in a really small place. I was flying or floating in warm liquid. I couldn't see anything, but I was sensing things. There was no pain, there were no feelings. So I guess that, in a way, I was happy.'

'You will not find a pulse, because I have never possessed a body'
'Why aren't the sensors on? What the hell is this?'
'All external controls have turned off! The body's using it's own power source!'
'I entered this body because I was unable to overcome the section 6 reactive barriers. However, what you are now witnessing is an act of my own free will. As a sentient lifeform, I hereby demand political asylum'
'Is this a joke? Ridiculous, it's programmed for self-preservation!'
'It can also be argued that DNA is nothing more than a program, designed to preserve itself. Life has become more compact, floating on the sea of information. Life has organized it's species by genes, which are memories. So man is called unique, only because of his intangible memory. But memory cannot be defined, but defines mankind. With the advent of computers, a system for the accumulation of interpolated data has given rise to a new system of memories'
Ghost in the Shell

'I was going to the worst place in the world and I didn't even know it yet!'
Apocalypse Now

'All chanels and frequencies clear'

'Gaia become visible trought the new knowledge about the Earth gained trought the space, Gaia is the Earth seen as a single physiological system, an entity that is alive.'

'The spice extends life, the spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. Travel without moving'

''We have determined that the human form is best suited to our purposes.'
'Converging on a higher from deepest space.'
'Enlightened Evolution.'
'We have now taken first steps to bio-genetically transforming all of our hybernating population into humanoids.'

'When you dream there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen. Sometimes there is a moment as you are awakening when you become aware of the real world around you, but you are still dreaming. You may think you can fly but you do better not try. People can fly.'

'Somebody pointed a phrase, and I'm not sure, who it was. But they said value comes another one, for a psychic blowjob'
''The reason that so many pointed a psychic blowjob is these people walk out of there, and these entities, would tell them what they wanted to hear, what would make them feel good, of course'
'Ah, Some people would compare that to a drug induce, altered state. However, there is a big difference. The difference is that, you are always in control' (C) Atmos - Always in Control

'The only process' (C) Atmos "The Only Process"


'there's this pulsating white light, it's beautiful, colours, it's like a tunnel of colours, floating up through the tunnel of colours, they move and they flow into each other, sometimes they mix and sometimes they don't, they're flowing through each other and on top of each other, sometimes mixing and making the colours, beautiful colours' (C) Banco De Gaia "Obsidian"

'It is really quite a world that you are showing me.'
'The human feelings and emotions are well transmitted.'
Liquid Sky

'They oscillate, they do not fly.'

'A connection between diffrent parts of the brain.'

'For the longest time I didn't want to believe it. And then I saw the fields with my own eyes, watched them liquify the dead, so they could be fed intraveniously to the living.
Do you believe?
Do you think that's air you're breathing?
I can only show you the door. You're the one who has to walk throught it."'Dejavu...What did you say?..Nothing just dejavu'
Из фильма The Matrix

'Testing the bounds of reality.'
'Is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin.'
Вторая фраза - из фильма "Doors"

'I have seen things that you can only dream about. I have been there!'
'I see myself for what i truly am. ... the moments I've had, the marvels I've witnessed, the wonderful thruths I've seen.'
'The night falls, and you close your eyes to sleep and dream.'
Из фильма "Gullivers Travels"

'I felt like a bulldozer, trying to catch a butterfly.'

'I like to think of space and time as analogous to the ocean and changes in it as analogous to waves on the surface of the ocean. but those waves of course don't show up when one's miles above the ocean. It looks like, as one gets down closer to the surface, one sees the waves breaking.'

'How far can they control my mind'

'And as the gods have given us, so we return the gift.'

'All I'm asking you to do now is to witness a demonstration of the possibility of movement within the fourth dimension.'

'Welcome to freakshow.'

'I'm you and you are me, and we are here. I'm the dreamer, you are the dream.'

'From the sky came the solution.'

'Keep your eyes wide and blank, show no intrest or excitement'
'So much has been discovered these last few years that anything is possible'

There is nothing real outside our perception of reality, is there?'
'And at the onset of trance, the spirit of the creature enters the body of the dancer, anabling him to reach a trancendental state.'

'Today, a young man on acid realised that all matter is just energy condensed to a slow vibration - that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death ; life is only a dream ...... we are the imagination of ourselves .'
Bill Hicks

'The future has already happened.'

'My problem is not to believe in UFO's but getting people in UFO's to believe in me!'

'Only the infinity of the depths of a mans mind can really tell the story'

'I don't know, maybe something to do with being on the mountain.' (C) Doof "Star above Parvatti"

'Youth of the galaxy.'
'The time has come to demand your freedom.'

Remarkable incidents in the Himalayas...
Alien Gods...
Flying sorcers...
Ancient travellers from the stars...

'- Who Are You?
- I am the Light!
- Huh-huh-huh!
- Dream is my world. Goa is my motherland. Trance is my religion. Flying is my life.'

'There is no such place. Heaven is not a place and it is not a time. Heaven is beeing perfect. And that isn't flying a thousand miles per hour or a million. Because any number is a limit, and perfection has no limits. Perfect speed, my son, is beeing there.'
Jonathan Livingston - Seagull


'The music was new black polished chrome, and came over the summer like liquid nights!'
Jim Morrison

'Drugs, drugs, drugs, giving them drugs, drugs, drugs. Taking their lives away.'
From Beyond

"Why have you disturbed our sleep?! Awakened us from our ancient slumber?!'
The Evil Dead

'- Have you ever retired a human by mistake?
- No.
- But in your position that is a risk...'
Blade Runner

'The future has taken root in the present.'
'Use the magic! Do it!'
'Can't you see all around you - the dragons!'

'We were drawn on long in a deep sleep, and wakened at dayfall by worried gardeners.... We had an intense visitation of energy.'

'It's the real thing.' '(What?)' 'A radio signal from another world.'

'The use of hallucinogens can be traced back to pre-historic time, when the aboriginal people utilized plants & hallucinogens as an integral part of their healing practices, to get access to the mind, to facilitate social bonding (...). It was an integral part of their lives.
Psychedelic experience.
In such a climate, the new scientists are careful to remain in step with the drug regulators. They use pure drugs, in controlled doses.' (C) Etnica "Small doses"

'We are one brain. Above and within. We are one brain - we are one.'
'Human brain... Universal event. One hundred billion neurons. Each neuron a tangled web of electric (phoenix)'
Timothy Leary

''This visitor somehow explained the way aliens have been genetically altering the development of our DNA, from our very beginnings, and that they inspired our great spiritual leaders. They had in fact influenced the course om human history in rather critical and startling ways.'
'Spiritual leaders.'
'Other dimensions that co-exist with our own and these beings have the technology to somehow just slip in and out.'
'This disc atually landed by intention and then an exchange with alien life-forms''

'You know the way everybody`s into weirdness right now? It`s all part of cosmic consciousness.'
Из фильма Repo Man


'There is an area of the mind that could be called unsane, beyond sanity, and yet not insane. Think of a circle with a fine split in it. At one end there's insanity. You go around the circle to sanity, and on the other end of the circle, close to insanity, but not insanity, is unsanity.'

'I'm going to lead you, kicking and screaming, giggling and laughing, into the future. I'm going to relax you, I'm going to get you!'
'A spiritually cleansing derangment of the senses.'
'The happy choas out of witch enlightment might come.'
'Oh no that was real, lets get out of here.'

'I believe with the advent of acid we discovered new way to think and it had to do with piecing together new thoughts of mind. Why is it that people think it's so evil? What is it about it that there is scares people so deeply? Because they are afraid that there is more to reality than they have ever confronted. That there are doors that they're afraid to go in and they don't want us to go in there either because if we go in, there we might learn something that they don't know. And that makes us a little out of their control.'
'He's losing his mind, and feels it going!'
'You're intoduced to lsd, an' it's not like taking some other drug for instance like marijuana or something, hm, well, you know, it's altogether a new thing, and you actually can have a religious experience, and, hm, and it can be even more important than reading the bible six times or becoming a pope or something like that, you know...'
Ken Kesey, LSD 25

'I became tuned in on the network of neurological signals and cellular wisdoms that radiate at hundreds of millions per second.'
Цитата Timothy Leary

'There are hundreds of universes of intelligent energy, inside your body.'
'He found out what it's like to be crazy'

'(...) the full moon (...) the gray mountain (...) fire'

'Now all of these (...) cases have in common the fact that somebody was stuck on a timetravel. And that is the common denominator of all (...) cases, somebody gets stuck in time. So don't ever be guilty of bringing somebody of the present time. Uh, and then not check it.'

'An alien approached me. he started talking to me. And then, I think, he must have used some kind of a ray or a mind control device.'
'I received this information from an aaa-a-a-a-a-lien.'

'Considering the level of psychosis you were experiencing, it was possibly LSD, amfetamines or some kind of exotic dopamine antagonist.'
'They're afraid of me because they're afraid of the unknown.'
'You're still addicted to the 20th century, high from it's harshness, buzzed by it's brutality. Holy smokes!'
X-Files - Anasazi

Have you ever had that feeling when you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
All the time... It's called mescaline - it's the only way to fly.
'The boiled juice from the cactus contains the worlds highest concentration of the hallucinogen known as mescaline. Don't be afraid.'
Matrix, Simpsons

Your appearance now is what we call a resedual self image, it's the mental projection of your digital self.

'- Ladies and gentlemen, we are now seeing the beginnings of another stage of human evolution. These mutations manifest at puberty and are often triggered by periods of hightend emotional stress.'
'Mutation - it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single celled organism into the dominant species on the planet.'

'I know you won't break the rules. There aren't any.'
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome

'What are you doing in my swamp?!!!'

'I've Taken drugs before and I really had a good time'

'The revelations of the thirteen crystal skulls. Information fed into the skulls to remain active for thousands of years. These crystals are doorways to deeper dimensions of understanding. The revelations of the thirteen crystal skulls.'
'With the revelations of sound you can (...) this information and reveal the true mystery behind this extraordinary discovery.'

'It's going from one system to another... then, on dark deserted worlds, where there should be no life, where no living thing has walked in over a thousand years, something is moving. Gathering it's forces quietly, quietly... hoping to go unnoticed.'
'We must warn the other, mentor. After a thousand years, the darkness has come again...'
'Why are you interested in my dreams?'
'Where there's smoke, there's fire. If you ignore it, you get burn... Now i don't have to believe in this dark force to realize there is something strange going on.'
Babylon 5

'Surfing on the waves of sound'

'It is a good viewpoint, to see the world as a dream. When you have something like a nightmare, you will wake up and tell yourself, that it was only a dream.'

'Aliens infected us, its about time we infected them'
Species 2

'Flying between two worlds. With endless space, with endless time'
'Boundries of the mind'
'Sound of love, glowing inside, without boundries of the mind'

'I am deeply disturbed
I am deeply unhappy.'

'To you I give the grain, the light, and the sky. To you, the sacred heritage. To you, the land and sea.'
Babylon 5

'I'm not afraid any longer, mommy'

'This place will be going up any second now'
Gangsters (pc game)

'But we all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and... hmm... they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because you're so busy going from a to z, that there's... hmm ... 24 letters in beetween...'
'You turn to... tune in... and you drop out... '
Timothy Leary

'This is a unique time in our history, in the history of any civilization, it's the moment of the acquisition of technology, that's the moment when contact becomes possible'

'There are at least 1500 active vulcanos that we now about and at least one that we don't'

'Powerful ... magical... evil'

'This isn't real! None of this is real!'
Iggy Pop in The Crown - City Of Angels

'No... no more scientists, no more laboratories, no more experiments, I thought you`d be able to understand that. No more!'
The Island of Dr. Moreau

Release Me...'
'Open a door, get him out of there!'
'No wait!'
'Release Me...'
'I know there is much we could learn from each other, if we could negotiate a truce. We could find a way to co-exist. Can there be a peace betwen us?'
'Peace... No peace...'
'Then, what is it you want us to do?'
Independence day

'Are you afraid of the future?' (C) Infected Mushroom "Return of the Shadows"

'The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.'
Tomorrow Never Dies.

'Patience, understanding, love.
Most of all you need love'


'Если ты подумаешь, что это хреновина не транклюкатор - это будет последней мыслью в твоей чатланской башке!'
Кин Дза Дза

'You shall see hail fall from a clear sky, you shall see darkness.... god is god.'
The 10 commandments

'Is there anything you want, anything at all'
'Come to me, I'll be your guardian angel'

'So long as the universe had a beginning, we can suppose it had a creator. But if the universe was completely self-contained, possessing no boundary or edge, then it could neither be created nor destroyed. It would simply be'Dr. Stephen Hawkin

'Magic is the bloodstream of the universe. Forget all you know or think you know! All that you require, is your intuition.'
'Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it.'
Willow, Ferris Bueller's Day Off

'Inside this room, all of my dreams become realities, and some of my realities become dreams.'

'This is a psychedelic experience, to guide you back on your path. Just close your eyes for a moment, take a deep breath and inhale the energy surrounding you. Free your mind and feel the energy lifting you up to a higher level. Notice how the energy is flowing all around you. Enjoy this moment of peace, deep inside of you. Now send the energy out to the universe and recognize, we are all one!'

'Cycles are boring, Spirals are fun!'

'The world has changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the Earth. I smell it in the air...
Lord of the Rings - The Feloowship of the Ring

'Having the view from 30.000 feet.
The only problem with having the view from 30.000 feet is that at that hight everyone looks like ants.
Everyone looks like ants.'

'Do not attempt to grow a brain.'
Из фильма Speed

'Exactly what are you looking for? Dope, drugs, weed, grass, toot, smack, crackers, uppers, downers, all-arounders. You name it, we want it!'

'Hit them hard and hit them fast!'

'We were speaking of belief, beliefs and conditioning. All belief possibly could be said to be the result of some conditioning. Thus the study of history is simply the study of one system of belief deposing another. A psychologically tested belief of our time is, that the central nervous system which feeds its impulses directly to the brain - the conscious and subconscious - is unable to discern between the real and the vividly imagined experience.'
'To allow the unknown to occur and to occur requires great clarity. And where the is clarity there is no choice. But why should anyone listen to me? Since I know nothing. '
Из фильма Head

'It's real.'
'I mean it!'

'Intelligent Machine'
'If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?'
Шекспир, 'Merchant of Venice'

'Now you'll have to excuse me, captain. I have an appointment with eternity, and I don't want to be late.'
Из фильма 'Star Trek - Generations'

'Machines becoming more like people'
'People becoming more like machines'

'I live for this moment here.'

'Life is an illusion. Reality is simply a figment of the imagination.'

'I welcome you all to the odyssey of the mind.'

'Wonderland, where you now?'
'Is this weird, or am I hallucinating?'
'This is a most peculiar trip.'
'Mushrooms, poppies, sugar and spice. All those things are very nice. When combined the proper muxture makes a getting - small elixir. Hmm. I don't really like sweets...'
Из игры American McGee's Alice

'I don't think the human mind is ment to exist in... two different eh... whatever you call it, dimentions. It's too stressful, you said that yourself. It's very confusing, you don't know what's real and what's not...'

'They say the sea is cold, but the sea contains the hottest blood of all.'
'I hope you like a little aquarium.'

'There's nothing to be afraid of, virtual reality will rehabilitate your mind and eventually your body. You'll be alright I promise, just concentrate. Okay? Go try some music.'
'This is true spirituality'
Из фильма 'The Lawnmower Man 2'

'Intelligent life beyond this planet.'
'A small group from S.E.T.I. search for extra terrestial intelligence used a radio dish at Arecibo to send out a message to whoever might be listening. They sent about a quarter of a kilobyte including structure of human DNA, a map of our solarsystem, population of the earth, helpful facts like that.'

'When I first got in to space, it was very strange feeling as if you was standing on your head. Because when you become weightless the fluids in your body raise to the upper part of your body and you have a feeling of a ... .'

'Stay with me, it's a dream!'

'Из открытого окна до короля доносился очень неприятный звук...'
'В избушке его ждали верные друзья!'
Бременские музыканты

'Иди за белым кроликом!'
'Вы все живете в мире грез.'
'Примешь красную таблетку - войдешь в страну чудес...'
'Да, знаком. Это мескалин. От него - полный улет.'
The Matrix (dubbed)


'We predict the future.'
'The best way to predict the future is to invent it.'

'We don't know anything about this man, send him back!'

'Smoke from the sacred pipe mixed with my breath will rise and spread troughout the universe.'

'I'm always surpised by physical encounters with people I have previously met virtually.'

'At the edge of our culture, people are starting to use drugs as information. You take peticular combination of chemicals to create a peticular response in your brain and nervous system.'

'You are either sane, or you are crazy.'

'My product is 51 times stronger than cocain, 51 times more hallucinogenic than acid, 51 times more explosive than ecstasy'
'You're gonna kiss the sun, and taste the motherfucking rainbow!'
51st State

'Yes. I have been monitoring the situation.'
'I am the source of your salvation.'
Из сериала Aeon Flux, серия 'The Purge'

'Они взяли таблетки?'
'Нет, не взяли, я свистнул их из сумки.'

'А ещё за мной пасут менты!'

'This is a dream. Quite relaxed.'

'The second moon'
'A storm is coming - our storm. And when it arrives, it will shake the universe.'
'Personal experience'
Из фильма Dune

'Music is voices all around us.'

'The beginning of life'
'There is no final truth.'

'I bring chaos to order.'

'... personally I think the more people who turn on, the better world it's gonna be'
'Psychedelic cultures emerged in acid.'
'Nobody wanna get hurt, nor we wanna hurt anybody'

"Why are you fucking with our minds?!!"
The Beach

'We're having a party. You're more than welcome to stay.'

'Standing at the edge of time.'

'Deeper and deeper into meditation - nowhere to go but inside.'
'The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new land, but in having new eyes.'

'Don't know if you are ready to see what I want to show you.'
The Matrix

'He exists in a world beyond your world...'

'The big question now is, can we make it back to earth.'

'The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye. Therefore the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it. Therefore television is reality. And reality is less than television.'

'Don't go mystic or paranoid on me now. That computer thinks that we're the ones in control.'

...) it could be toxic. (...) I have seen these flowers all over - they're growing like parasites on other plants, all of a sudden. Where are they coming from?'
'(...) I don't wanna (...)'
'(...) space?' 'Why?' 'What are you talking about? A space flower?' 'Why not a space flower? Why do we always expect metal ships?' 'I've never expected metal ships.'

'Everything is within this, and this is within everything.'
'Anyone can be enlightened. You can - so you should!'
'To the end of the universe. Hahahahah!'
'I flew millions of lightyears. I might have gone anywhere but I went that way.'
'Some things even Buddhas don't know.'
'The end of the universe? That can't have been easy.' 'Of course it wasn't easy, but I got there!'

'You don't know the power of the dark side.'
Star Wars

'Prince of the dolls'

'Above all the names and thought is the message of love.'

'Oh fuck, somebody called cops'
Fight Club

'You feel the healing energy in this place all around you. Now find your power animal.'
'Slide!.. Slide!.. Slide!..'
'Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. It moves over your body, healing you. Now keep this going, and remember to breathe and step forward through the backdoor of the room. Where does it lead?'
Fight Club

'You are feeling very sleepy. Very Relaxed. As your body calmly drifts, deeper and deeper, into a state of peaceful relaxation. You'll respond only to the sound of my voice.'
'What's the doctor doing now'
'Stealing my memories'
X-Files: Jose Chungs From Outer Space

'They know you in this place? This place we're coming to? The place we're at now, this place.'
'Kill enemy'
'They are people like us'

'The full moon brings a new season. Another term in the cycle of life. A new phase in Shiva's cosmic dance.'

'Travel to any part of the universe, without moving '

'Whatever you have thought about the world before, forget it, now you are on this one.'
'What evolution is, is the slow conquest of dimensions.'
'Music has always been the way..'

'Instructions for life, Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. Respect for self, respect for others, and responsibility for all your actions. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. Spend some time alone every day. Approach love with reckless abandon. Share your knowledge, it's a way to achieve immortality. Be gentle with the earth. Dance like nobody's watching'
Dalai Lama

'What we do in life, echoes in eternity'

'We are star travellers. and we come in peace.'

'There is no more reincarnation going on. This is our last life for eveybody. This is it.'
'Movement within the 4th dimension.'
'All biological lifeforms.... '
The flower of life.'

'That's the sun in my hands, man! oh, it gives off an orange cloud of light that just flows right out of the sea.'

'You can be Shiva. You can be Krishna. You can by anyone. You can be anything this time around'
Aldous Huxley

'It's my mind.'
'Life support system.'

Brain... Brain... The Universe...

'What's wrong with me?'
'Why do I see things?'
'Why am I so different?'
'Come On!'

'I tell you, they should make computer simulations of the kind that can predict what these new instruments can say. We've discovered the secret of the present.'

'Its an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.'
'If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.'
'Trust your feelings.'

'The system has been successfully used, but people in other parts of the world need to know about the system. In many places people suffering tuberculosis take drugs for a short time. The drugs are not taken long enough.'

'Yes, there was a sound. There were noises coming from the darkness. Strange, like a whisper.'

'Oscillating at ten times a second'

' We must be in heaven man!'
'There is always a little bit of heaven in the disaster area.'

'In future be more careful from who you accept free lemonade.

' ... paranoia. If your mind is open and transparent, then nobody has to be afraid of you, and you dont have to be afraid of yourself.'

'Кто это?'
'Черт, это же я!'
'Ко мне стучат'
'Боюсь, это место меня угнетает. Кажется, я дошел до страха. Чушь! Мы нащупали главный нерв. Оттого и страшно...'
'Кажется, я...'
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (dubbed)

'These are small paper squares, quarter of an inch from a side, and the've been impregnated with LSD'
'LSD doesn't fry your brain, it expands the mind.'


'Your thoughts will be with me always.'
'You will learn to live without day or night'
'Escape is impossible.'

'From the outer regions of space to the inner regions of mind.'

'I will become master of the universe.'

'Power of pure intellect.'

'Right about here, we stopped long. And we looked up in the sky and we couldn't believe what we saw.'
'It just looked like five beams of, of energy.'
'(...) is real. Visionary experience is unique as every human being is unique.'
'(...) my mind. It seems to turn in circles that get tighter and tighter, as my thoughts swing upward and inward as I reach into what might as well be upward as downward. As I think in endless chain reactions.'
'We might be able to travel from one place to the other in the galaxy without covering any major distance by plunging into a black hole.'

'Nobody fucks with da jesus'
The Big Lebowski

'We created our own society. That's right! We created our own happiness!'

'Things are moving so fast in my head that i'm starting to edit, like a telegram.'

'You can help me save the Earth of a terrible experience.'

'These pictures were taken over a period of 8 hours, normal healthy kidney cells before they meet the virus. In the space of an hour a single virus has invaded, multiplied, and killed the cells, in just over two hours, its offspring have invaded nearby cells here and here, continually multiplying.... Jesus christ, five hours, it infects the cell, replicates and kills this fast, these numbers cant be right, Ebola takes days to do this damage. Sirs, the number are correct, I wish to god they weren't. One goes in, millions come out, every cell is dead. Now we see them individually, searching for the next victim.till there's nothing left to kill.'
Из фильма Outbreak

'Im simply trying to gather information, to help the people in the present trace the path of the virus'
Из фильма 12 Monkeys

'Whatever door you opened in my brain...I want you to shut it... now!!!'

'And there was darkness and then came the stranges, they was from place old as time itself. They have mastered the ultimate ...the ability to alter physical reality using the will alone. We call this ability 'tuning'.
Из фильма 'Dark City'

'It was summer, and the butterflies were on wing. I noticed an eagle in the sky, I watched it. It spiraled around, and landed on a tree. Soon then I found myself, at the top of a mountain... higher... higher... fast forward the future'
'And you wonnt need people teeling you that you are crazy.'

'What is it all about? Sometimes, you just can't get it right. Expectations. I used to be indecisive. Playing mindgames with myself. Just searching for my feelings. I don't like uncomfortable silences. I'm fed up with waiting for something to happen. You go from place to place not knowing. I have visions of disbelief. Dreaming with my eyes wide open. The mind tries to resist. Into the system! Satisfaction. Anxiety. Disengaged. Next Stop, Oblivion. I feel perfectly calm. Relaxed, peaceful. At ease with myself...'


Physical suffering takes many forms. People must have observed at one time or another, how their aged relatives suffer. Most of these aged suffer aches and pains in their joints and many find it hard to move about by themselves. With advancing age, the elderly find life difficult because they cannot see, hear or eat properly. The pain of disease, which strikes young and old alike, is unbearable, and the pain of death brings much grief and suffering. Even the moment of birth gives pain both to the mother and the child that is born.

The truth is that suffering of birth, old age, sickness and death are unavoidable. Some fortunate people may now be enjoying relatively happy and carefree lives, but it is only a matter of time before they , too, will experience suffering. What is worse, this suffering must be borne alone

Mental Suffering

Beside physical suffering, there are also various forms of mental suffering. People feel sad, lonely or depressed when they lose someone they love through separation or death. They feel irritated or uncomfortable when they are forced to be company of those whom they dislike or those who are unpleasant. People also suffer when they unable to satisfy their limitless needs and wants.

Happiness in Life

When the Buddha said that there is suffering in life, He did not deny that there is happiness also. On the contrary, He spoke of various kinds of happiness, such as the happiness of friendship, the happiness of family life, and so on. But all these kinds of happiness are impermanent and when one loses them, one suffers. For example, one may like a pleasant and charming person and enjoy his or her company. But when one is separated from that person, the happiness turns into suffering. One suffers because of one's attachment to pleasures that do not last.

People often remain unaware of the inevitable sufferings of life because they are distracted by temporary pleasures.


The Buddha had observed that life is suffering. Before He Could find a solution to the problem of suffering in life, He had first to look for the cause of suffering. The Buddha was just like a good doctor who first observes a patient's symptoms and identifies the cause of the illness before prescribing a cure. The Buddha discovered that the direct causes of suffering are desire or craving, and ignorance. This is the truth of the cause of suffering, which is the Second Noble Truth.


Craving is the deep-seated desire that all living beings have for the pleasures of the senses, and for life itself. For instance, people always seek to enjoy good food, entertainment and pleasant company. Yet none of these can give them complete and lasting satisfaction. After the fine meal has been eaten , the beautiful music heard and the pleasant company shared, one is still not content. One would like to enjoy these pleasures again and again, and for as long as possible.

People who desire to own many things can never be fully satisfied too. Like children in a toy shop, they crave for all the attractive things they see around them. But like children too, they soon become dissatisfied with what they already have and desire for more. Sometimes, they can hardly eat or sleep until they get what they want. Yet when they succeeded in getting what they want, they may still find their happiness short-lived. Many will be too worried for the safety and condition of their new possessions to enjoy it. Then when the object they possess eventually breaks into pieces and has to be thrown away, they will suffer its loss even more.

When we have obtained something that we desire, we may want more and more of it, and so greed arises. Because of desire and greed, people will lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. Uncontrolled desires can also lead to addiction, for example, to smoking, drinking and overeating, all of which lead to suffering and cause mental and physical harm.

If one is prevented by another person from getting what one desires, one may feel anger with that person. Desire when obstructed can lead to illwill and anger. This in turn can lead to harsh words, violent quarrels and even fights or killings. All this is suffering.


Craving or desire is like a great tree having many branches. There are branches of greed, of ill will and of anger. The fruit of this tree is suffering, but how does the tree of craving arise ? Where does it grow ? The answer is that the tree of craving is rooted in ignorance. It grows out of ignorance.

Ignorance is the inability to see the truth about things, to see things as they really are. There are many truths about the world which people are ignorant of because of the limitations of their understanding.

Science has shown, for instance, that there are sounds that people are unable to hear and waves of light which they are unable to see. People would be totally unaware of radio waves, or ultraviolet light rays if special instruments had not been developed to enable them to observe these things. So long as people remain ignorant of things about the world in which they live, they suffer from all kinds of misunderstandings and delusions.

When people develop their minds and acquire wisdom through study, careful thought and meditation they will see the Truth. They will see things as they really are They will understand the suffering and impermanence of life, the Law of Cause and Effect and the Four Noble Truths. By overcoming craving and ignorance, they will attain happiness and Enlightenment just as the Buddha did about 2500 years ago.


To summarize:

Ученье свет, неученых - тьма!


End Of Suffering

The Buddha's realization of the end of suffering and his attainment of Nirvana at the age of thirty-five, crowed his search for Truth with success. For six years, the Bodhisattva had spared no effort to find a solution to the problems of suffering. He had tried the principal method of ending suffering and had found them wanting. Eventually he found his own solution to the problems of life.

Confidence in the Buddha's Teaching

Having realized the Truth through his own efforts, the Buddha offered it to all who ready to listen.

There is an old story of a turtle and a fish. The turtle lived on land as well as in the water while the fish only lived in the water. One day, when the turtle had returned from a visit to the land, he told the fish of his experiences. He explained that creatures walked rather than swam. The fish refused to believe that dry land really existed because that was something beyond his own experience. In the same way, people may not have experienced the end of suffering, but it does not mean that the end of suffering is not possible.

A patient must have confidence in an experienced doctor, otherwise he will never take the medicine that the doctor has prescribed him and will not cured of his sickness. Similarly, people must have confidence in the Teaching of the Buddha, who has shown that end of suffering is really possible.

Truth of the End of Suffering

The end of suffering is the final goal of the Buddha's Teaching. It can be experienced by anyone here and now. For example, when greed and anger arise in one's mind, one experiences unhappiness and when thoughts of greed and anger cease, one's mind becomes happy and peaceful. To end suffering completely, one must remove desire, ill will and ignorance. This is the Third Noble Truth of the End of Suffering.


The Buddha taught that the end of suffering is supreme happiness. Every step towards the end of suffering is accompanied by ever-increasing joy. Those who follow the Teaching of the Buddha live happily without greed among those who are overwhelmed by desire. They live happily without anger among those who harbour ill will. The more people free themselves from desire, ill will and ignorance, the greater will be their happiness. When they have completely overcome desire, ill will and ignorance, they will know the supreme happiness as experienced by the Buddha.


By putting the Buddha's Teaching into practice, people too can achieve supreme Enlightenment. Enlightenment has countless qualities, of which perfect wisdom and great compassion are the most important. Through perfect wisdom, the great compassion, He is able to help countless beings to overcome their suffering.

Experiencing Nirvana for Oneself

The end of suffering has been described as supreme happiness and Enlightenment. However, these terms do not fully express the real nature of the end of suffering, or Nirvana. Nirvana cannot be exactly put into words. Attempting to describe Nirvana is like saying that a mango is sweet, and that it is not like banana or an apple. One has to eat a mango in order to know for oneself what the taste is really like. Similarly Nirvana has to experienced for oneself.

Therefore, if people have confidence in the Buddha's Teaching and put into practice, they can achieve happiness peace and Enlightenment.


As a youth, Prince Siddhartha enjoyed the indulgent life of pleasure in his father's palace. Later, when he renounced the worldly life and become an ascetic, he experienced the hardship of torturing his mind and body. Finally, not long before attaining Enlightenment, he realized the fruitlessness of these two extreme ways of life. He realized that the way to happiness and Enlightenment was to lead a life that avoids these extremes. He described this life as the Middle Path. These three ways of life may be compared to the the strings of different tensions on a lute. The loose string, which is like a life of indulgence, produces a poor sound when struck. The overly tight string, which is like a life of extreme asceticism, similarly produces a poor sound when struck and is moreover, likely to break at any moment. Only the middle string which is neither too loose nor too tight, and is like the Middle Path, produces a pleasant and harmonious sound when stuck. So these who follow the Middle Path which avoid the extreme of indulging one's desires and opposite extreme of torturing one's mind and body unreasonably, will find happiness, peace of mind and Enlightenment. This is the Fourth Noble Truth of the path leading to the end of suffering.


"It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly. "
Bertrand Russell

"There's a feeling I get, when I look to the west, and my spirit is longing for leaving."
Led Zeppelin

"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility. "
Sigmund Freud

"All we are saying is - Give peace a chance!"
John Lennon & Yoko Ono

"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds. "
Bob Marley

"If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have a paradise in a few years. "
Bertrand Russell

"To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom."
Bertrand Russell

"How does it feel to be on your own, with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone? "
Bob Dylan

"When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. "
Bob Dylan

"You're going to have to change the priorities of your life, if you love this planet. "
Dr. Helen Caldicott

"When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there. "
George Harrison

"The world is ready for a mystic revolution, a discovery of the God in each of us."
George Harrison

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've always imagined. "
Henry David Thoreau

"Sex, drugs, and insanity have always worked for me, but I wouldn't recommend them for everyone. "
Hunter S. Thompson

"If you smile at me I will understand because that is something everyone, everywhere does in the same language."
Jefferson Airplane

"Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people Sharing all the world. "
John Lennon

"We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden. "
Joni Mitchell

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain

"Be Here Now! "
Ram Dass

"You create your own reality. "

"Like a true Nature's child, we were born, born to be wild"

"We are all just prisoners here of our own device....You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."
The Eagles

"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you'll get what you need."
The Rolling Stones

"If it feels good do it! "

"Black is beautiful "


It seems to me, George Harrison was a Buddhist, or what?



Вопрос только какое ученье..
Например у математиков преобладают гневные состояния ума.. у физиков асурические
Соответственно грязно-коричневые и тускло-зеленые света.. если по Бардо Тходол
ansartrix has you..


Цитата: "Plamen"To summarize:

Ученье свет, неученых - тьма!
Вопрос только какое ученье..
Например у математиков преобладают гневные состояния ума.. у физиков асурические
Соответственно грязно-коричневые и тускло-зеленые света.. если по Бардо Тходол
ansartrix has you..


только написал про буддизм и в голове всплыла песня - Oh, my Lord, my sweet Lord, mm, my Lord, Hare Krishna

Harrison was perhaps the most spiritual of popular musicians the world has ever known. His spiritual quest began in his mid 20s, when he realized for the first time that "Everything else can wait, but the search for God cannot..." This search led him to delve deep into the mystical world of Eastern religions, especially Hinduism, Indian philosophy, culture, and music.

Harrison had a great affinity towards India. In 1966, he traveled to India to study the sitar with Pandit Ravi Shankar. In search of social and personal liberation, he met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, which prompted him to give up LSD and take up meditation. In the summer of 1969, the Beatles produced the single "Hare Krishna Mantra", performed by Harrison and the devotees of the Radha-Krishna Temple, London that topped the 10 best-selling record charts throughout UK, Europe, and Asia. The same year, he and fellow Beatle John Lennon met Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the global Hare Krishna Movement, at Tittenhurst Park, England. This introduction was to Harrison "like a door opened somewhere in my subconscious, maybe from a previous life."

Soon after, Harrison embraced the Hare Krishna tradition and remained a plainclothes devotee or 'closet Krishna', as he called himself, till his last day of earthy existence. The Hare Krishna mantra, which according to him is nothing but "mystical energy encased in a sound structure," became an integral part of his life. Harrison once said, "Imagine all the workers on the Ford assembly line in Detroit, all of them chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna while bolting on the wheels..."

Hindu symbolism on the cover of Harrison's Album Dark Horse
Harrison recalled how he and Lennon kept on singing the mantra while sailing through the Greek islands, "because you couldn't stop once you got going...It was like as soon as you stop, it was like the lights went out." Later in an interview with Krishna devotee Mukunda Goswami he explained how chanting helps one identify with the Almighty: "God's all happiness, all bliss, and by chanting His names we connect with Him. So it's really a process of actually having a realization of God, which all becomes clear with the expanded state of consciousness that develops when you chant." He also took to vegetarianism. As he said: "Actually, I wised up and made sure I had dal bean soup or something every day."

Harrison didn't stop at that, he wanted to meet God face to face...


А вот БГ уже как лет десять ездеет на свой ДР к Сатья Сай Бабе. Будучи из нашей дзогченовской братии  :D Как
ansartrix has you..


You mean Boris Grebenschikov, что ли?